Monday, March 28, 2011

Memoir Writing - Who, What, When, Why & Where

Over the next few weeks, let's consider the who, what, when, why and where of your life.  This will help to put the story of your life, your memoir, into perspective.

Today, think about all the people "who" played a key role in your life.  Your grandmother, grandfather, parents, siblings, husband, children and friends may have played a key role in your life.  Educators and business associates may also have played a role.  At an early age your family played a role in the person that you became.  You may have also had a special teacher or coach that gave you direction.  Later, friends became an important influence.  Your spouse and children gave you purpose in life.  Every person, circumstance and experience contributed to the fabric of your life.

As you chronicle the people in your life, you will surround yourself with the greatest influences and your circle of support.  This is a key as you write the story of your life.